mayo 6, 2024

La apreciación de la vivienda continúa aumentando

National home prices remain on an upward trend with the latest release of the Case Shiller Home Price Index. According to Case Shiller, home prices rose 0.4% from January to February and rose 6.4% year over year. Also, all 20 cities within the composite index saw annual price increases as strong demand and tight supply continue to push home values higher. Barry Habib, CEO of MBS Highway and three-time recipient of the Pulsenomics crystal ball award said, “Buying a home continues to be one of the best investments you could make.” He also mentioned a forecast where he commented, “We see another 5% appreciation in the next year (going forward)”.
It is important to work with a market expert who understands the current dynamic of the markets and who can help you make the best decision for you and your family.

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Por: jon iacono
A Family

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