About Kathleen Singer-Monroe

I cannot remember a time in my life when real estate was not a part of it.
My mother was a real estate broker from the time I was in second grade. I overheard countless conversations my mother had with her clients regarding the importance of finding the right house and the right loan program that best fit the customer’s needs. She had a passion to help people achieve their goals, not only in obtaining home ownership, but life in general. Her happiness came from helping others.
As I got older, I would sit with her at her open houses. She always introduced me to those customers who would stop by. I remember being so interested in everything they were saying. At her closings, when I was able to go, her customers were so happy thanking her for everything she did for them. There were always big smiles and big hugs. Her customers always asked me, “Are you going to grow up to be a real estate broker like your mother?”
As you can see, I did decide to go into world of real estate. The joy my mother found in meeting new people, helping them find the right home as well as negotiating the price for her client is the same passion I have for my customers. I enjoy getting to know my customers, asking many questions to get a full understanding of what they are trying to achieve whether it be a short or long term goal. I love pushing numbers around to provide financing options & presenting those options to my customer. I take great pride in the relationships I have built with my customers over the last 23 years. Many of my customers have been with me for 15 years or more and I am now getting calls from their children needing financing for their first home. Isn’t that just awesome? I believe this is because I provide and explain, in detail, their financing options and advise what I believe to be in the best option based on their goals they have shared with me. I work diligently for my customer, providing constant communication keeping the customer informed throughout the loan process. If at closing, my customer does not feel that the process was educational, simple and easy, then I did not do my job.
For me, Success is when I get a call, and the person on the other end says to me, “I was referred to you for a mortgage loan. My neighbor said that you helped them with their loan. They had great things to say about you. Can you help me?” That is Success.